We care about Rangelanders and the causes that touch our lives
We’re not afraid to go the extra mile—whether it’s running up stairs, donating blood, growing a moustache, or cooking prize-winning chili. When it comes to supporting causes that matter to us, we’re all in!
To date, Rangelanders have donated more than $4.0 million to our community. Our much anticipated events are geared towards having fun and giving back to the community that supports our talent, our families and our clients.
Community Engagement
Senior's Secret Service
Every December, Rangelanders adopt isolated seniors to bring cheer to those who otherwise might not have any gifts during the holiday season. The wonderful organization, Seniors Secret Service provides us with the seniors’ wish lists and then our teams of shoppers and gift wrappers get busy – it is a point of pride for Rangeland to ensure we get the seniors every gift on their wishlist.
Wilder Institute - Calgary Zoo
As we are proud of having the bison as our mascot, Rangeland is excited to partner with the Wilder Institute Calgary Zoo to sponsor the bison exhibit in the redeveloped ‘Wild Canada’ North American habitat. The exhibit features two female wood bison, ‘Taiga' (pronounced TAI-guh) and 'Keewatin' (pronounced kee-WAH-tin).
The Wilder Institute/Calgary Zoo is a leading authority in wildlife conservation, reintroducing threatened species to the wild and empowering communities to conserve natural resources to positively impact both the environment and local inhabitants.
Chili Cookoff for Calgary Food Bank
Chili Cookoff
Rangeland has a delicious long-standing tradition with our in-house chili competition. Numerous Rangelanders compete for bragging rights and prizes in categories for the spiciest, traditional, creative, and vegetarian chili. All proceeds go to the Calgary Food Bank.